Terraform for GCP
To use kubernetes provider
Got Error: Post https://[ip_address]/api/v1/namespaces/[namespace]/secrets: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
This is related GitHub issue.
google_container_cluster resource outputs cluster_ca_certificate, client_key, or client_certificate and they are base64 encoded.
Secrets cannot be created
Got Error: secrets is forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot create resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "[namespace]"
This is unresolved.
If you run the terraform localy and you have kubernetes credentials, it may be because you do not have cluster admin roles. But if you try to create a cluster at the same time with adding secrets by terraform on CI, it seems no way yet. There is an issue on GitHub related with this error, but no good solution yet.
Cloud SQL
Cloud SQL instance cannot be created
Got Error: googleapi: Error 409: The instance or operation is not in an appropriate state to handle the request., invalidState
This is related GitHub issue and PR.
If Cloud SQL instance is tried to be created but another one with the same name was created and deleted within a week, then this error may happen. This may be fixed in recent versions of google providers.
Cloud Storage
Bucket cannot be created
Got Error: googleapi: Error 403: The bucket you tried to create is a domain name owned by another user., forbidden
The domain name of GCS has to be verified by following the steps of this page.