Enable lunr search for non-posts on minimal mistake theme of GitHub pages

Enable lunr search for non-posts on minimal mistake theme of GitHub pages

March 19, 2020

This page explains how to enable searching non-posts pages for Minimal mistakes by Lunr.js for someone who does not know jekyll at all. Lunr.js is the default search engine of the theme, so if turn on search by adding search: true in _config.yml, then you all posts become searchable by lunr.js. However, for non-post pages, you may need a different configuration, so I’ll write this page for it. The entire configuration which requires is following in this page.

search: true

    output: true

  # _docs
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: docs
      layout: single

Add new collections for your pages

First of all, you have to understand collections in jekyll. Collections is the grouped contents that are under a specific directory. For example, if you have next configurations in _config.yml, then the directory _docs becomes collections. _ prefix of the directory is required for a collection.

    output: true

If we add output: true, then it’s gonna exported to _site directory when web sites is generated so that we can see the generated contents. However, if we only create this, you notice the defaults front matter is not configured properly for those pages.

Update default frontmatter

The default frontmatter has the type in scope, and this type is actually the collection name. So if you set the type to docs, then the frontmatter is applied to the collection.

Why did I write this post?

Because I had this issue. And I did not know the details about jekyll and spent a lot of time to figure out how to configure frontmatter to a collection. I saw this issue and figured out how to do it.

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