Getting Started with cue

Getting Started with cue

February 9, 2023


go install

Generate a YAML file from cue

Prepare a sample file user.cue by a cue

import "time"

#User: {
    id: int
    name: string
    created: time.Format("2006-01-02")

john: #User
john: {
    id: 1
    name: "John"
    created: "2023-02-09"

Then run a command to output a yaml file by the export subcommand.

> cue export user.cue --out yaml
  id: 1
  name: John
  created: "2023-02-09"

Use Go packages

Use Go packages like k8s definitions, by following this and this documents.

go mod init
go get
cue get go

Now then you can see the files like

> ls
cue.mod/ go.mod   go.sum

Now, let’s make a file to create k8s service definitions by cue. Let’s say it’s defined in service.cue

import ""

services: [string]: v1.#Service

services: {
    http: {
        // Next is shows an error
        // unknown: "name"
        apiVersion: "v1"
        kind: "Service"
        metadata: {
            name: "http-service"
            namespace: "app"
        spec: {
            selector: {
                "": "app"
            ports: [
                    protocol: "TCP"
                    port: 80
                    targetPort: 80

Then you can export the yaml file for the kubernetes service http-service by

cue export service.cue --out yaml -e 'services.http'
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