Getting Started with Kubernetes API by Kubebuilder
Getting Started with Kubernetes API by Kubebuilder
February 9, 2023
This document just follows a quick tutorial for kubebuilder and learn its behavior.
Install kubebuilder
curl -L -o kubebuilder$(go env GOOS)/$(go env GOARCH)
chmod +x kubebuilder && mv kubebuilder /usr/local/bin/
Workaround a first project
At first, create a project and a Guestbook API, and make manifests
kubebuilder init --domain --repo
kubebuilder create api --group webapp --version v1 --kind Guestbook
# Create Resource [y/n] y
# Create Controller [y/n] y
make manifests
Then you can see its manifest file under config/crd/bases
Deploy it into a kubernetes cluster
At first, create the namespace on the cluster.
kubectl create namespace kubebuilder
Then install CRD.
make install
Now you can see its CRD
> kubectl get crd | grep guestbook 2023-02-10T04:41:32Z
Then run a controller in a foreground job
make run
Create a sample resource for CRD
kubectl apply -f config/samples/webapp_v1_guestbook.yaml
Then deploy an image on the cluster
make docker-build docker-push IMG=$registry/$project:$tag
make deploy IMG=$registry/$project:$tag
Then you can see a deployment and pod in the namespace tutorial-system
> kubectl get deploy -n tutorial-system
tutorial-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 9m57s
> kubectl get pods -n tutorial-system
tutorial-controller-manager-649cdb6fb5-62nwb 2/2 Running 0 12m
This controller never handle a guestbook crd.
> kubectl get guestbook -n kubebuilder
guestbook-sample 2m6s
See this page for the overview of the architecture.
- Manager
- Controller: Handles an event. Event is first filtered by the predicate and then handled by a reconciler
- Reconciler contains a logic of a controller for the resource
- Webhook: Receives an admission request and set the default fields by Defaulter and rejects an invalid object by a Validator
- They’re mutating admission webhook and validating admission webhook
- k8s API Client
- Cache
- Controller: Handles an event. Event is first filtered by the predicate and then handled by a reconciler
The example of the reconciling of a controller is as follows, from this page:
- Load the named CronJob
- List all active jobs, and update the status
- Clean up old jobs according to the history limits
- Check if we’re suspended (and don’t do anything else if we are)
- Get the next scheduled run
- Run a new job if it’s on schedule, not past the deadline, and not blocked by our concurrency policy
- Requeue when we either see a running job (done automatically) or it’s time for the next scheduled run.
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