Manage TiKV regions on TiDB

Manage TiKV regions on TiDB

February 11, 2023

TiDB data is split into multiple nodes and they’re called the name as a region.

In this document, I just played around to confirm the places and behaviors for regions on TiDB.

Manage TiKV regions through PD metadata

To handle PD metadata from CLI, follow this document.

At first, a port-forward to access PD pods

kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-pd 2379:2379 &>/tmp/portforward-pd.log &

Then run following sub commands to check each. These commands are one of pd-ctl, listed in this document, and to execute them, it has to add a command like tiup ctl:v6.5.0 pd -u store:

  • Show stores (TiKV nodes): store
  • Confirm regions: region
  • Confirm a specific region by its key: region key 7480000000000000FF5E00000000000000F8
  • Confirm the hot spots by hot (read|write)
  • Confirm an abnormal region: region check (miss-peer|extra-peer|down-peer|pending-peer)

Confirm regions on a table

To confirm regions via TiDB:

show table [table] regions;
show table [table] index [index] regions;

The examples to look around regions:

mysql> show table salaries regions;
|      5161 | t_113_                                       | t_113_r_03800000000003112104194fb40000000000 |      5164 |            5004 | 5162, 5163, 5164 |          0 |             0 |          0 |                   77 |           988924 |                        |                  |
|      5165 | t_113_r_03800000000003112104194fb40000000000 | t_113_r_0380000000000623c70419599e0000000000 |      5167 |            5003 | 5166, 5167, 5168 |          0 |            39 |          0 |                   72 |           942081 |                        |                  |
|      5149 | t_113_r_0380000000000623c70419599e0000000000 | t_115_                                       |      5151 |            5003 | 5150, 5151, 5152 |          0 |            42 |          0 |                   72 |           941966 |                        |                  |
3 rows in set (0.04 sec)

-- Check regions for a secondary index
mysql> create index salaries_to_date on salaries(to_date);
mysql> show table salaries index salaries_to_date regions;
| REGION_ID | START_KEY                                                          | END_KEY                                                            | LEADER_ID | LEADER_STORE_ID | PEERS            | SCATTERING | WRITTEN_BYTES | READ_BYTES | APPROXIMATE_SIZE(MB) | APPROXIMATE_KEYS | SCHEDULING_CONSTRAINTS | SCHEDULING_STATE |
|      6001 | t_113_                                                             | t_113_i_2_041934020000000000038000000000005185041933e20000000000   |      6004 |            5004 | 6002, 6003, 6004 |          0 |            39 |          0 |                   25 |           328620 |                        |                  |
|      6021 | t_113_i_2_041934020000000000038000000000005185041933e20000000000   | t_113_i_2_04195b0c0000000000038000000000037e2e041957cc0000000000   |      6024 |            5004 | 6022, 6023, 6024 |          0 |            39 |          0 |                   52 |                0 |                        |                  |
|      6009 | t_113_i_2_04195b0c0000000000038000000000037e2e041957cc0000000000   | t_113_i_2_04195b7400000000000380000000000652cb041958340000000000   |      6010 |               1 | 6010, 6011, 6012 |          0 |           427 |          0 |                    2 |            30720 |                        |                  |
|      6017 | t_113_i_2_04195b7400000000000380000000000652cb041958340000000000   | t_113_i_2_04196c5a000000000003800000000001677d0419691a0000000000   |      6020 |            5004 | 6018, 6019, 6020 |          0 |            39 |          0 |                   52 |                0 |                        |                  |
|      6013 | t_113_i_2_04196c5a000000000003800000000001677d0419691a0000000000   | t_113_i_2_047ef1020000000000038000000000007c3e04196bd80000000000   |      6015 |            5003 | 6014, 6015, 6016 |          0 |           427 |          0 |                    2 |            30720 |                        |                  |
|      6005 | t_113_i_2_047ef1020000000000038000000000007c3e04196bd80000000000   | t_113_i_2_047ef102000000000003800000000007a11f04196a3a000000000000 |      6008 |            5004 | 6006, 6007, 6008 |          0 |           613 |          0 |                   18 |           222607 |                        |                  |
|      5161 | t_113_i_2_047ef102000000000003800000000007a11f04196a3a000000000000 | t_113_r_03800000000003112104194fb40000000000                       |      5164 |            5004 | 5162, 5163, 5164 |          0 |           517 |          0 |                   76 |           985862 |                        |                  |
7 rows in set (0.07 sec)

--- Check region peers and if it's leader
mysql> select * from information_schema.tikv_region_peers order by region_id;
|         2 |       3 |        1 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|         2 |    5048 |     5003 |          0 |         1 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|         2 |    5092 |     5004 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|        10 |    5088 |     5004 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|        10 |      11 |        1 |          0 |         1 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|        10 |    5044 |     5003 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5129 |    5132 |     5004 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5129 |    5130 |        1 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5129 |    5131 |     5003 |          0 |         1 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5141 |    5143 |     5003 |          0 |         1 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5141 |    5144 |     5004 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |
|      5141 |    5142 |        1 |          0 |         0 | NORMAL |         NULL |

Split regions

There is a query to split by SPLIT TABLE table_name [INDEX index_name] BETWEEN (lower_value) AND (upper_value) REGIONS region_num

Add new node and distribute regions

Following this document, just adding nodes dynamically. Then regions are automatically distributed by PD.

kubectl patch -n tidb-cluster tc basic --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"tikv":{"replicas":5}}}'
kubectl get pods -w

Then run tiup ctl:v6.5.0 pod -u store a few times and see the number of region and leader counts would increase on the new node.

Confirm multiple regions


tiup ctl:v6.5.0 pd  -u config set replication.max-replicas 5

On TiDB, update tidb_replica_read to follower to enable a follower read

set @@tidb_replica_read = 'follower';

TODO: But still all replicas show that role name is Voter, and no replica shows a Follower.

tiup ctl:v6.5.0 pd  -u region | jq . | less
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